

Recosi is premium reseller of refurbished ICT equipment (laptops, desktops, workstations, monitors). The equipment is sourced exclusively from business lines, usually from larger multinational companies abroad, and is offered back to the market at a significantly lower price compared to its original cost. The equipment is refurbished to high demanding standards; Recosi is proud to hold 3 ISO certificates: ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 45001 (health&safety.

Informazioni sul rivenditore

Company name: Recosi d.o.o.,so.p.
Display name: Recosi
Street: Zgornje Grusovje 10c
Post code: 2317
City: Oplotnica
Country: Slovenia

Phone: 0038631025605

Tax identification number: SI47488743
Commercial register number: 7016557000

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